The memorability and experience you have in a particular destination all begin with the people. Forgetting a view, site, or monument is possible. However, no one can forget the spirit and energy a place had. Australia is the most welcoming place on the planet. Calm yet rowdy and with an alive environment, the country presents a stark contrast to the anglo spirit of America.

People go about their business; however, they are always willing to produce a smile and look at the positives in every situation. At first glance, Australia seemed to be like America before 9/11. A terrorism-free country where almost no serious security happens.  

It’s a continent that can be superimposed over the map of Europe from the UK to Turkey, as you may see in many places in the country. Thankfully, the flights roam like the buses in America, no matter that the Greyhound operates there also, with a long line of people already waiting while the passengers deboard the plane.

We flew into the Outback in the Northern Territories to travel to Uluru and Kata Tjuta. We flew to Cairns and went to the Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest, and to Cape Tribulation. We flew later to Melbourne, where we enjoyed the famous drive on the Great Ocean Road and ended the tour in Sydney, with its gorgeous beaches of Manly and Bondi and its surrounding islands.